Fly Ranch Proposal
In 2021, the Burning Man Organization opened a competition for proposals to be selected and developed at Fly Ranch in the Black Rock City area. I hired an architect team to bring my vision to the committee which is illustrated in the 3-D renderings and drawings below. In addition to this effort, I proposed to introduce drought and fire tolerant grasses by way of volunteer-led seed distributions. These introduced grasses create wild fire barriers which also choke out invasive and non native grasses transforming the ecosystem benefiting the flora and fauna in the Great Basin Region.
Elements Inclued
Outdoor Venues – Indoor Venues – Classroom / Research – Agriculture Operations Buildings – Fresh Water Capturing – Waste Water Solutions – Electricity Generation – Carbon Negative
Design Strategy
Each main hub of activity within the site will be designed to be independent of the other hubs. There are three main hubs: North, Central, and South. Each section will have power generation, storage, and distribution on site. Water storage, distribution, and treatment will also be on site. If an infrastructure service must be turned off for maintenance, other hubs of Fly Ranch will still be operational.
The North, Central, and South Zones will be independently powered with onsite solar arrays within each zone. Any power generated will be distributed through a microgrid. Utilizing microgrids allows each zone of Fly Ranch to operate independently by powering on-site infrastructure as needed, such as a wastewater treatment facility. Multiple wind generation technologies are available depending upon the final look and layout of Fly Ranch.